Don’t assume that just because something on your property was taken or vandalized that you are at a total loss. If your insurance policy covers either, you may be entitled to compensation. The only way to be truly sure is to hire a public adjuster to work on your behalf for your theft and vandalism insurance claims. Guardian Public Adjusters serves customers throughout Peoria and surrounding areas, working diligently on all types of insurance claims for both homeowners and business owners. Don’t let your insurance company tell you what you are and aren’t entitled to. Let us help!
Theft Claims
When you have items stolen from your home, it can be difficult to prove to your insurance company that you didn’t just lose them or how much they were actually worth since you no longer have the items in your possession. That’s why it’s always important to file a police report right away so insurance companies have something official to use. Guardian Public Adjusters can help you the rest of the way. The insurance claims process is very complex and if you aren’t used to it, the insurance companies can take advantage of you. To make sure your theft claims are processed correctly and efficiently, it’s best to hire a professional.
Vandalism Claims
One of the most common mistakes in residential and commercial vandalism is throwing away whatever items are damaged. Insurance companies will heavily rely on official documentation of the damage, so you are better off to wait until you know that they will accept your documentation. Thankfully, the team at Guardian Public Adjusters can help you through all of this. We have years of experience in representing clients who suffer from vandalism. All you need to do is contact us as soon as you are ready to file your claim and we will help you through every step of the process.
Our Theft & Vandalism Claims Services
You may be wondering why you should hire a public adjuster for even just a small theft or vandalism claim. If you fall victim to either of these crimes, you already have enough stress to deal with. Let us help make the situation better. Our theft and vandalism claims services include:
- Help to understand your insurance policy coverage
- Damage or theft assessments and evaluations
- Filing paperwork correctly to ensure quick processing
- Negotiating with your insurance company to get the best possible settlement
If you are a victim of theft or vandalism, don’t just assume you are at a loss. Let Guardian Public Adjusters help you understand your insurance coverage and how to best proceed with the claims process. Call us today!